Gum Disease and its common causes


Did you know that 47.2% of people from the UK suffer from some form of gum disease? Gum problems are the real-time problems that you can experience. Gum disease is possibly the most prevalent dental condition that patients may struggle with the most. Each stage of gum problem has different symptoms and its worst condition. Here, let’s explore some of the most common causes of gum problems and learn about their stages in detail. However, preventing gum disease is not difficult now, if treated with proper care.

What is Gum disease?

Gum disease is also known as periodontal disease. In this type of disease, the tissues get infected that is holding the teeth. Its inflammation is produced by bacterial growth in the mouth around the tooth and its gum line. Its swelling is caused by bacterial growth in the mouth, around the tooth, and along the gum line. Due to improper oral hygiene, plaque stays on the teeth and hardens teeth. It has a sticky film of bacteria that leads to extreme forms of gum disease. However, if not treated on time, it can lead to dangerous bleeding gums or may have tooth loss.

Is Gum Disease Common?

We have heard people saying gum disease is not common, but these problems are very common and are known. Do you know that, bad oral health will help plague eventually start building up on teeth and gums. If not treated with oral hygiene, then it can turn into tartar or calculus. Another big reason for gum problems is that is lack of going to the dentist. We suggest you visit the dentist after every six months at least.  However, proper oral health plays an essential role in the health of your gums.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Gum Disease:

Do you know that poor oral hygiene is a leading cause of gum disease? Yes, you heard it correctly. Gingivitis and Periodontitis are the two types of gum problems. These conditions are most likely to develop in adults above 30 years and older.

Few gum problems and its symptoms are:

  • Pain: Pain or tenderness in your gums or inside your teeth.
  • Swelling: Swollen gums or gums that are red or purple color, then you may have a gum problem. However, healthy gums should look firm and pink in color.
  • Taste and Smell: When you determine poor breath or an unpleasant taste in your mouth, it is can be a symptom of gum problems.
  • Space: Another symptom is when you see spaces between your teeth or the change in the way your teeth come together when you close your mouth.
  • Bleeding: You can experience bleeding gums when you brush or floss.
  • Loose Teeth: If you notice gums that pull away from the teeth, creating pockets. It is a primary symptom of gum disease.

What Causes Gum Disease?

The most common way gum problems occur is due to the accumulation of plaque on the teeth. When plaque or the sticky substance reaches the gum line, it irritates. In case, if left untreated, then can lead to the first stage of gum disease known as gingivitis a type of gum problem. Such a condition can’t heal by itself, so always better to seek treatment from a dentist. Consider help before pockets develop in the gums, and it ruins their condition.

What are the common causes of Gum Disease?

There are many reasons for the risk of developing gum problems, ranging from smoking tobacco to intake of certain medications. Below is the list of the most prevalent causes and risk factors of gum disease.

Tobacco Use:

Tobacco is one of the worst things that can cause your smile and your overall health. Stop chewing or smoking tobacco now. It is suggested to change your habits like smoking or chewing tobacco. Tobacco use can lead to unfavorable disease which is beyond curable.


Another cause of gum problems is stress daily. Do you know that high levels of stress can take a toll on your health? The way that stress hinders oral health is by weakening the immune system and causing inflammation. In this way, the existing infections spread, and they become more challenging to treat.

Grinding your teeth (Bruxism):

It is a condition or the way you grind or clench your teeth. If you have bruxism, you will unconsciously clench your teeth or grind your teeth during sleep. Sleep bruxism is known as a sleep-related disorder. This problem weakens and destroys the tissue around the gums, building gum problems.

If you have suffered from symptoms of gum diseases, then don’t neglect but start your treatment immediately before it becomes worse. Fortunately, gum disease is highly treatable in the early stages, so visit your nearest dentist and immediately start your treatment. If you need our help, we are just a call away, and we will get you on the path to a white and healthy smile again. Contact us today to schedule your next appointment, we are just next door. Happy Brushing!

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