Livestock Disease Prevention: A Quick Guide


When there is a disease outbreak or emergency there is an expected response from a number of sources. This includes the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (Defra), other agencies within central government, and local authorities. Well-documented contingency plans are ready and waiting to prevent the spread of disease in livestock, and within the farming community there are also certain expectations to help prevent livestock disease, but to also be ready and waiting to activate certain measures in the event of a breakout. Livestock disease can be catastrophic for individual farm owners, cattle and other livestock, as well as to the general public if not managed quickly and effectively.

Preventing livestock disease should always be the priority, even with stringent plans in place to deal with an outbreak of disease. This prevention can be seen in the way that each individual farm is operated, and the processes in which livestock are handled throughout various processes.

Underlying each process on a livestock farm is the hygiene and health of the animals. Livestock supplies such as disinfectant and housing solutions are best put into practice within solid planning and animal management techniques to ensure that animals are looked after to a high level and on a consistent basis. There should always be a cleaning and disinfectant protocol in place for all areas of a livestock farm, ensuring that there is as limited a chance as possible for bacteria and infections to spread from animal to animal, and from one area of a livestock farm to another.

A thorough and methodical approach to disinfectant and cleaning procedures on a livestock farm is crucial to ensuring the prevention of livestock disease, as is the clear separation of different areas of a farm (including for suppliers and delivery personnel), personal protective clothing and equipment for humans on site. Choose a livestock product supplier that understands the need for a high quality product that meets all expectation as well as regulatory requirements.

What should be done in the event of a disease outbreak however?

The plans mentioned earlier, involving Defra and all relevant local authorities should aim to cause the least possible disruption to the farming industry, as well as to the general public. If there are animals that are deemed too unhealthy or at risk of spreading disease, that they need to be slaughtered this must be carefully considered and kept to a minimum. There must be a co-ordinated response that covers the entire country, ensuring that no infection spreads into the food chain to risk the general public.

Having a clear plan in place from a governmental point of view is important to manage an outbreak of disease that could impact on the economy and the general public. Prevention is always a much better option of course, and with clear protocols and processes in place on each individual farm, utilising key skills and livestock products that help to manage, clean, and disinfect livestock to a high standard every single day will go some way to implementing prevention of livestock disease.

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